A ReactJS SocialMedia App with mock backend with using redux for state management.
A ReactJS Ecommerce App made with mock backend.
A ReactJS video library App made with mock backend.
A web app to tell you your loss and profit on the share market.
a palindrome birthday checker that will also show the nearest palindrome date and how many days missed.
A triangle web app using HTML, CSS and VanilaJS . That can find the area of triangle and quizzes on the triangle
A vanilaJs application to know how lucky your bidthday date is?
A Web-App built with Javascript. This app help the user by telling how can he/she return the change to the customer with minimum number of notes
A Web-App built with ReactJS.This app works like an emoji interpreter, it helps you to know the meaning of the emoji.
A Web-App built with VanillaJS, Use it to convert plain english to High Valyrian language i.e the fictional language created in Famous Series "Game Of Thrones".
A Web-app built with VanillaJS, Use it to convert english to Minion's Language Banana.
A CLI app built with NodeJS, to check your friends knowledge about how did they understood the most confusing web-series DARK
A CLI app built with NodeJS, You can send this to your friends and find out who really knows you